2021, the year that sorely lacked in human connection, was brightened by innovative technologies meant to draw emotional intimacy in a time of physical distancing. As a physically disabled woman, I was cut off from my social life during the coronavirus pandemic. Social media made up the bulk of my social life. When I came upon Bond Touch, I was excited to find new ways to connect with others. Having a Bond Touch was a fun way to connect and check in with my friend, Enrique.

The Bond Touch bracelets were simple to set up. All we had to do was charge the bracelets, download the Bond Touch app, and then link the bracelets via Bluetooth. It was cool to be able to connect with Enrique at random times during the day since we have conflicting schedules. Receiving messages throughout the day reminded me that I wasn’t alone.

After months of spending most of my time in my house with my immediate family, I have grown to appreciate the small ways that I can connect with others. Bond Touch is innovative, fresh, and is a welcome addition to my life as a disabled woman.

I don’t know when (if ever) my life will return to pre-pandemic normalcy. That's why I’m making an effort to find alternative ways of reaching out and connecting with others.

My Bond Touch bracelet gave me nostalgia for the Nintendo DS that I used during childhood

Before I got a cell phone and was indoctrinated in the vertigo-inducing world of social media, my next door neighbors and I used the chat feature on our DS’s to send doodles and messages to each other. We shared inside jokes and could keep in touch even when we weren’t hanging out. Bond Touch has brought back memories of a less complicated time.

Although I am fully vaccinated, I still struggle with anxiety and panic attacks when I go out in public. I don’t know if or when I’ll start to feel comfortable in public settings again. But in the interim, I can remain connected to the people I care about.

I realize that I am not alone in my newfound fears

I believe Bond Touch is best suited to develop emotional intimacy between close friends or those in a romantic relationship. Although Enrique and I aren’t in a relationship, it was a nice way to connect. My favorite part was trying to follow different patterns and rhythms on the Bond Touch. I tried to mimic the patterns that Enrique created, which was a fun challenge.

I would recommend Bond Touch bracelets for anyone looking to gain or deepen a connection with someone else. I’ve never tried a product like this (aside from the Nintendo DS that I used with my next door neighbors during childhood), and it’s a great idea, especially during a global pandemic.

I don’t know what the future will look like, but I do know that for many of us what emotional intimacy means will never be the same again.

Erica Mones