The Other Half by Bond Touch
Discovering the Hidden Language of Skin: Unveiling Surprising Insights into Relationships
The human skin, our body's largest organ, is the a window into the emotional and physical well-being of ourselves and our partners. In the world of relationships, touch is an...
Self-Love in a Long-Distance Relationship
Ah, long-distance relationships! Aren't they just the best? (contains irony). You've got the never-ending video calls, the constant yearning, and the occasional pang of jealousy. But fear not, dear reader,...
Intermittent distance
Just like intermittent fasting, intermittent distance is about finding a healthy balance between closeness and distance. And just like intermittent fasting can do wonders for your physical health, intermittent distance...
Happiness is a simple equation. But you are not simple 🤷.
In your life, how many moments of pleasure multiplied by moments of meaning will you experience? We don't know and it's really hard to calculate (even GPT does not know)....
Esther Perel helped us with our long distance relationships
Tips from our Bond Touch team that will help you thrive in your Long Distance Relationship.
How we stopped speaking and started communicating
My girlfriend and I embarked on a journey that would change our lives forever. We decided to forgo the use of spoken language for three months and instead, learn sign...
Mother to mother: ways Bond Touch is being used in surrogacy
When we first launched Bond Touch, way back in 2016, the concept of ‘touch bracelets’ was originally conceived to help couples in long distance relationships, stay in touch, in a...
Complex by Katie Gregson-MacLeod
Some lyrics perfectly encompass breaking up. There’s a melody to that moment in our lives where no matter how much we try, we just can't get it right. I wanted...
How 15 days in Portugal helped me reconnecting with my mom
When Cristian’s mother visited, he hadn’t seen her in years. They had drifted apart. But, in Cristian’s words, these “15 days in Portugal, helped me reconnecting with my mom." My...
5 Signs Of A Covert Narcissist
What Is A Covert Narcissist? We've all witnessed the classic narcissist, their self-absorption is unmistakable. However, there is also another way that this personality trait manifests that can be more...
What Happens To Your Brain When You Break Up
When you break up with someone, it can feel like your whole world is crumbling. This is not an over-exaggeration, this is your brain is going into overdrive trying to...
6 Ways To Bring The Spark Back To Your Relationship
Is the spark gone from your love? You look at your partner one day and miss those fireworks from when you first met? This is how you relight it. I’ve...